First Aid Manual

first aid manual

First aid is the initial assistance or treatment given to a person who is injured or taken ill. The person who provides this help is a first aider.

This chapter prepares you for being a first aider, psychologically and emotionally, as well as giving practical advice on what you

should and should not do in an emergency. The information provided throughout this book will help you to provide effective

first aid to any casualty in any situation. However, to become a fully competent first aider, you should complete a recognised

first aid learning programme. Completing this will strengthen your skills and increase your confidence. St John Ambulance, St Andrew’s First Aid and the British Red

Cross are all able to provide first aid education tailored to your needs.

First aid refers to the actions taken in response to someone who is injured or taken ill. A first aider is a person who takes this action while taking care to keep everyone involved safe (p.28) and to cause no further harm while doing

so. Using the guidelines set out in this book, you should take actions that most benefit the casualty. Always take into account your own skills, knowledge and experience.

This chapter prepares you for the role of first aider by providing guidance on responding to a first aid situation and assessing the priorities for the casualty. There is advice on the

psychological aspect of giving first aid and practical guidance on how to protect yourself and a casualty. Chapter 2, Managing an Incident (pp.26–37), provides guidelines on dealing with

events such as traffic or water incidents or fires. Chapter 3, Assessing a Casualty (pp.38–53), looks at the practical steps to take when assessing a sick or injured person.


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